Torah Day School offers many extracurricular activities aimed at fostering deeper friendships, expanding students’ outlets of expressing themselves, providing venues for success in non-academic settings, and facilitating opportunities for students to bond with teachers.
Students giving back
Our students are involved with several chessed programs, including a monthly organized chessed activity such as gathering food for people in need, responding to natural disasters, visiting the elderly, and offering other resources to less privileged families and children. These programs are ways for the students to give back to the community and learn about their part of a greater whole. The goal is to inculcate mindfulness of other people’s needs, encourage volunteerism, and create a culture of being responsible for, thoughtful of, and empathetic and considerate toward others.
Focus on character development
Our middos program focuses on developing strong, positive character traits in our students. In our monthly middos assembly, we introduce the new middah of the month through collaborative activities, role playing, and games. Throughout the month, we share stories, hold contests, and focus on practical applications of the trait we have learned about.
Intramural and extramural leagues
Our intramural and extramural basketball leagues help teach students the value of practice, perseverance, team work, attitude, and sportsmanship. Students also benefit from the many advantages of extra physical activity on health, fitness, mental performance, and emotional wellbeing.
Planning for the future
The 8th grade girls have an opportunity to be part of a committee for the year. Some of these committees are fundraising, Chagiga Head, GO Head. These roles allow for responsibility and group work to be honesd. The girls each have a Leadership Role for the year, which they plan and execute in conjunction with the 8th grade coordinator. These roles help instill in them leadership skills and responsibility.